Friday, October 10, 2008

PTA: Securing Narration of the Thing You Just Thought Of

We're playing PTA. Mike has an idea for a scene he really wants to narrate and starts saving fanmail. We get to the scene and it goes something like this (paraphrased heavily and possibly misremembered and undoubtedly misunderstood):

Mike: "I want a scene where I'm fighting the Krell in the lake and I get them to stop firing on the Iroquois."
Eric: "Okay so you're on the bank of the glacier land and..."
Mike: "No, in the lake."
Eric: "Sure, alright."
Mike: "My conflict is whether I can stop them." (spends all his fanmail)
Guy: (spends a fanmail)
Cards: "Mike wins, Guy narrates."
Mike: (looks sullen and defeated because he wanted to say shit)

Here's how it should have gone instead...

Mike: "I want a scene where I'm fighting the Krell in the lake and I get them to stop firing on the Iroquois."
Eric: "Okay so you're on the bank of the glacier land and the Krell are forming up."
Mike: (says his cool thing he wanted to narrate and probably gets fanmail for it)
Eric: (eventually) "Look, a conflict!"

The moral of the story is that if you want to say something cool, start saying it. If there's a conflict, fine. You can try to win narration or suggest someone else narrate your cool thing. If not, great. Go ahead and narrate. You don't need a conflict to get permission to narrate, you just need to win narration rights of a conflict to get permission to narrate the outcome of the conflict.

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